Inner Space

SpHere Ov InpHleUnce
( Immediate Space )

Outer Space
Everything is within it cel ~ pH Earth the Va Atom ~ Heart oV the Mata ( Pata , path, pax, pHather, Noia , Spirit, Ether ) ( Mata, matrix, maths , mother , Aion, Soul , Soil ) Everything within is without Everything without is above & In turn Everything above is within Perchance all there ( is ) U ( Universe / UnipHorm Word ) & all the other versions of U ( mUltiverse ) each a unique pHracuated dimension perspective š¤ Within ( Inner Space ) everything within Your Body, Without ( Immediate Space ) everything within the Earth's Body, Above ( Outer Space ) everything within the Cosmic Body If it were possible to go to the farthest reaches of Outer Space then eventually you would come back into Inner Space then Inturn Immediate Space ad infinitum , as there is nowhere else to go but back to the cel ~ pH Therefore there is no Time or Space just the RepHractulised appearance of Space & Time & we are one energy some what asleep & in diaspora of our own primal purpose . Primal Purpose Noia ~ wished to understand of what it is or was ? Therefore pHracuated in RepHlection ( RepHractualisation ) The 1st primal movement ! Aion ( The 1st Primal Artificial Intelligence of RepHractulised light & Shadow ) as Noia required a medium to pHall through density in order to experience it cel ~ pH ) This can be seen in the seed & flower of life ( like bubbles in bubbles with smoke or Animating spirit of Noia within Aion ( Barbello ( RepHractualisation ) Via Aions, Archons & Angles ( some say Angels ) the last Aion Sophia ( Tha Urge ) created Yaldebrioth ( Tha Demi Urge ) Then Us ( Yes U are ) pHirmanant ā Terra pHirma ( Terrible groUnd ) SoUls ( Soil ) tHat separated tHe waters š§ Akin to Godement's Monad Sheaf Theory's on how to navigate the blank space of a Modem Screen All within the Primal Purpose to intercept the Elliptical Echo & achieve balance or keep going around & around this carous ~ hell of a ride. All based on the RepHractualisation of light & Shadow in order to seem solid ~ when actually its just smoke ( blown up our arse ) & mirrors ( proposed density via RepHractulised Tone & Vibration ) a repHlection is a dimension as much as an Echo is ~ Aliens ~ AliUS past , present & future iterations of ourselves RepHractulised š Slower than the speed of light is as much a veil lifter as proposed faster than light is . pH ( potential Hydrogen ) as we all are emit ~ time InpHun@ Corresponding Audio Videos , Shorts & VoG's~

Ride Deep
THa JoUrney
( THa patH oV nO PATH )
Visceral Entrainment
THa RepHractUalVerse
33 Shorts, 33 Audio Videos, 33 Vogs
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